Trainings & Certifications

The State of Iowa has a total of 12 certifications that can be obtained through the Fire Service Training Bureau. The Iowa FSTB programs are IFSAC and ProBoard accredited. Each certification requires classroom instruction with hands-on training. There is a written exam at the end of each course with hands-on testing. The courses are Firefighter 1 (84 hrs), Firefighter 2 (33 hrs), Hazardous Materials Awareness (8 hrs), Hazardous Materials Operations (12 hrs), Driver Operator Pumper (32 hrs), Driver Operator Aerial (24 hrs), Fire Instructor 1 (32 hrs), Fire Instructor 2 (24 hrs), Fire Officer 1 (40 hrs), Fire Officer 2 (32 hrs), Fire Inspector 1 (40 hrs) and Fire Investigator (80 hrs).

There are many additional trainings and certifications that can be obtained that are not administered by the Iowa FSTB, some of these are as follows: Emergency Rescue Technician (ERT) 55 hrs, Wildland Firefighting (WL) 32 hrs, Scuba Diver 24 hrs with 3 pool dives and 4 open water dives, Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B) 140 hrs, Paramedic (NRP) 1 yr.  All 29 firefighters are NIMS (National Incident Management System) Compliant and certified to the Hazardous Materials Operations Level.

In 2007 the Fire Department added a Junior Firefighter Program.  The program offers 2 positions for West Sioux High School Juniors or Seniors to become a member of the Fire Department  Through this program the student firefighter is assigned a mentor and will be able to attend trainings, meetings and emergency calls.  The students are not allowed to participate in the direct mitigation of an emergency incident but they may be at Incident Command to learn what happens at an emergency. Since the program began we have had 9 West Sioux students utilize this program.  Upon graduation, 3 of the students joined the Fire Department as regular members.

Under new national requirements, each firefighter must receive a minimum annual training of 24 hours.