Mayor's Office

Message from the Mayor

As I stand here on the cusp of a brand new year, the crisp Hawarden air filled with the promise of fresh beginnings, I feel a profound sense of responsibility and excitement. The honor of serving as your Mayor is one I take seriously , and I want to express my gratitude for your trust, but also to share my vision for the future of our community.


The world around us is changing, and it's time for Hawarden to evolve too.


My vision for Hawarden is not just about maintaining what we have, but about unlocking our full potential. I see a town that embraces innovation while honoring its rich history. A town where our young people have the opportunities and resources to thrive, and our seniors feel supported and valued. A town that attracts new businesses, families and visitors, while preserving the unique charm that makes Hawarden so special.


To achieve this, I believe in the power of collaboration. We need to work together, as a community, to identify our priorities and chart a course forward. I will be an open and accessible Mayor, someone who listens to your concerns, values your input, and works  to address your needs.

Here are just a few areas where I see opportunities for growth:

  • Economic Development: We need to attract new businesses and industries that create good jobs and support our local economy. This means investing in infrastructure, workforce development, and entrepreneurship programs.
  • Education and Youth Development: Our children are our future, and we must ensure they have access to a quality education that prepares them for success. This includes early childhood education, strong public schools, and opportunities for vocational training and higher learning.
  • Community Health and Well-being: We need to make sure everyone in Hawarden has access to affordable healthcare and feels safe and supported. This means investing in our healthcare facilities, promoting healthy lifestyles, providing mental health resources and supporting our law enforcement professionals.
  • Preserving Our Heritage: Hawarden's history is something to be proud of, and we must protect it for future generations. This means supporting our libraries and historical landmarks, and fostering a sense of appreciation for our past.

These are just a few of the areas where I believe we can make progress. But ultimately, the success of our community depends on you. I encourage you to get involved, to share your ideas, and to lend a helping hand. Together, we can build a brighter future for Hawarden, a future where every resident feels valued, empowered, and proud to call Hawarden home.

Larry Gregg

Mayor of Hawarden, Iowa

Larry Gregg
